
Research Plan

What is it?

A research plan is a document that concisely outlines the research activity to be undertaken and provides guidance to the student throughout the process.

How do I write it?

The research plan should include:

  • The objectives of the thesis
  • The methodology to be employed
  • The  temporal planning
  • For students starting the program in the academic year 2023-2024, the document must also include a data management plan and a personal training plan. 


When will I submit and defend my research plan?

During the 1st academic year, students are required to submit their research plan.

In the 2nd academic year, the plan is updated if necessary, and then publicly defended before the assessment panel. Public defenses are scheduled within two calls: in February and in June

What does the public defense entail?

The public defense involves an oral presentation of the written Research Plan, lasting no more than 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for questioning or comments from the assessment panel. The evaluation will be either "Satisfactory" or "Non-satisfactory". In case of a "Non-satisfactory" mark, the Academic Committee of the doctoral program may offer the student up to 6 months to make the necessary amendments.

The assessment panel comprises three doctors. Neither the thesis director nor the supervisor may be part of the panel.